史惠恩牧師 Eliyah Shira, Pastor
史惠恩牧師出生於印尼的華人家庭,於17歲受洗。他在印尼的大學本科畢業之後便搬來美國學習聖樂和基督教教育。1990年畢業後,史牧師回到印尼並在GKJMB (雅加達)服事神七年並於1997年再次返美深造。
史牧師最欣賞的經文是 以弗所書6:6-7
Pastor Eliyah Shira was born in a Christian family in Indonesia. He was baptized when he was 17 years old. He finished college in Indonesia and moved to the US to pursue his Music and Christian Education degree. After he finished his study in 1990, he went back to Indonesia and served the Lord in GKJMB (Jakarta) for 7 years. In 1997 he returned to US to further his studies.
He has served in several churches while in the US: Arlington Chinese Bible Church (TX), Soli-Deo Indonesia Church (TX) and Church of Grace to Fujianese (NYC).
His favorite verses are Ephesians 6:6-7
6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.
He and his wife Lulu have three children, Elben (married to Kristina), Elfrey (married to Rosanna) and Joan.
Davidine Tham, Music Ministry
Sister Davidine Tham was born in Malaysia and was baptized when she was 15 years old. After finishing her undergraduate degree at the University of Oklahoma, Davidine earned her Master of Music in Church Music in 2004 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She is passionate about serving God through music and fulfilling the Great Commission. In her spare time, Davidine enjoys good music, books and food.